The NCSD is dedicated to ongoing water conservation in our beautiful Sierra community. In an effort to support your individual conservation efforts, the NCSD provides tools, rebate programs, and water saving devices to homeowners. The District encourages you to take advantage of these multiple resources available not only during times of drought, but beyond.
Suspect a leaky toilet? Visit the NCSD office for a leak detection tablet to throw in your tank.
Rebate Programs
The California Department of Water Resources has two rebate programs to help Californians replace inefficient toilets and tear out water - guzzling lawns. The“ turf and toilet” rebate program is financed by the Proposition 1 water bond approved by voters in 2014. Californians can visit Save Our Water Rebates for more information and to apply.
Water Conservation Devices available from the NCSD
One of each available device free per NCSD Customer
Niagara Earth Massaging Showerhead 1.25 Gallon Per Minute Showerhead. Old showerheads use as much as 4 gallons per minute. Modern shower heads use between 2 - 2.5 gallons per minute.
Niagara Conservation Shower Coach - 5 Minute Timer. Save water by limiting the time you spend in it. Simply rotate the Shower Coach half a turn when you start your shower. Try to finish your shower before the last grain of sand falls.
Simply Conserve Moisture Meter - Promote a healthier garden! Have a healthier lawn, garden and shrubs by eliminating improper watering which is a major cause of water waste. Regularly using the moisture meter takes the guess work out of watering!
Niagara Conservation Water Miser Garden Hose Nozzle with 6 Precision spray patterns. Save water through its peak efficiency settings.
Conservation Garden
We welcome you to visit our Water Conservation Garden, located between the Fire Station and the NCSD administrative office at 908 Northstar Drive. The garden was created to showcase ways you can achieve beautiful, drought resistant landscaping.