Evacuation Routes

Evacuation Routes

When mandatory evacuation orders are given, you must not assume that all evacuation routes are available to travel.  Public Safety Officials, such as law enforcement and fire department personnel, will advise (by way of a notice or alert) all members of the public of a mandatory evacuation.  The notice or alert will be followed with instructions that identify the safest evacuation routes to travel.

Since the Northstar community has a looped road system with three options for evacuating traffic to Highway 267, residents and members of the public will be directed to use one of the following routes:

  1.  Northstar Drive to Highway 267
  2.  Highlands View Road to Highway 267
  3.  Big Springs Drive to Mill Site Road (into Martis Camp) to Highway 267

Once you reach Highway 267, residents and members of the public will be directed toward Kings Beach or Truckee by law enforcement. Click here for an evacuation map of Northstar.  Evacuation Map

Public Safety Officials are aware that there are other roads residents and members of the public can travel to get from one street to another or even use to exit the District.  However, these routes are not designated as major evacuation routes.  Therefore, Public Safety Officials will only make these routes known and available to travel if and when they are necessary during a mandatory evacuation. Public Safety Officials are also aware of various locations that people can flee to as a last resort if they cannot exit the District.  These locations will only be announced if and when they are needed during a mandatory evacuation.  All residents and members of the public must immediately heed the instructions given to provide adequate time to safely evacuation. DO NOT DELAY. 

Exiting the Community

  • In your car, turn on headlights, close windows, turn on inside air and AC. 
  • Follow recommended evacuation routes. Do not take shortcuts; they may be blocked. 
  • Drive slowly and defensively; be observant. Proceed downhill and away from the hazard if possible. Be alert for road hazards such as washed-out roads or bridges and downed power lines. Do not drive into flooded areas. 
  • If roads are impassable or you are trapped: take shelter in a building, car, or an open area; park in an outside turn if trapped on a hillside; stay far from vegetation; look for wide roads, parking lots, playing fields, etc. 
  • Don't abandon your car in the road if passage is impossible. If you must leave your car, park it off the road and consider other options for shelter.